Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Parabéns Gi

Infelizmente apenas agora tive tempo e discernimento para escrever formalmente: Parabéns Gi.
Parabéns por seres kem és. Por te manteres igual a ti ppa e por evoluires. Parabéns por não teres perdido as tuas pancas, as tuas malukeiras e o teu ar de loucura. Parabéns por seres uma lutadora, uma corajosa e por irradiares felicidade, excepto nos teus dias de neura hehehe
Obrigado por existires.


Recentemente resolvi fazer o cartão no videoclube perto de casa. Não me arrependi, principalmente, porque as condições são fantásticas. Entre elas, o direito a alugar um filme à borla no dia de aniversário.
Adoro entidades que promovem este relacionamento.
Agora pergunto-me… entre as que, supostamente (pelo menos é o que transmitem), só nos dão benefícios vigorará a mesma política?
Será que se eu ligar para uma dessas, por exemplo, Ok teleseguro e aderir ao serviço para gajas (Ok mulher, creio!?) eles automaticamente me enviam, (no dia de aniversário, claro) um daqueles meninos p’ra me assegurarem alguma assistência técnica?

É oficial

Acabo de abandonar o campeonato de sub-25.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Concerto Único

Finalmente Nine Inch Nails em Portugal... E eu vou estar lá.

10, 11 e 12 de Fevereiro. Coliseu, Lisboa.

Broken Social Scene

Broken Social Scene - Lover's Spit

Ontem à noite estava ansiosa por ver o regresso do Gato Fedorento. E...bem...eu até esperei...mas mal começou...o meu tel. principiou a tocar. Atendi. E era uma voz suave e terna e inesperada que me deixou numa amena cavaqueira durante todo o programa. E vi-me com a TV ligada no programa k eu tanto esperara para ver...sem ligar a mínima... E não há nada, mas nada que se sobreponha ou k substitua uma boa conversa.

Uma viagem de mil quilómetros começa por um primeiro passo.
Provérbio Chinês

Friday, October 27, 2006


Deve ser uma das interpelações mais estúpidas, principalmente, quando o fazemos às tantas da noite, quando o fazemos a alguém que “parece” estar a dormir ou quando enviamos uma sms do género “dormes” ou “estás acordada/a”.

O mais estúpido é que tudo isto é (quase sempre) inevitável.

John Mayer

John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland

ok! Acordei pachorrenta, rabugenta, tristonha...mas..q.do ouvi isto..tudo mudou. E o sol já não existe apenas lá fora..mas tb dentro de mim. Bom dia Mundo!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lost III - Episódio 4

Every Man for Himself
Parte I
Parte II

Cat Power

Cat Power - The Greatest

Yoga Centre

As yoga has become increasingly popular in recent years, the art is being practiced in often sterile and inappropriate places such as crowded gymnasiums and recreational halls thatlack the ambiance traditionally associated with the practice.

The Y + Yoga Centre in Shanghai appropriates the traditional settings for Yoga practice and fuses it with a modern, yet appropriate, setting. The center is nestled on the second floor of a building which houses a variety of shops and shares its space with a day spa. Y+ creates an instant ambiance of tranquility through the use of delicately chosen colors in the entrance and main area of the facility. The choice of bronze walls and a combination of bright green and wood inside create a fresh and rejuvenating environment upon entry.

The yoga centre comprises of three yoga rooms totaling 1200 meters squared, four massage rooms, a meditation room and a number of communal facilities including a shop and cafe.

Crescimento Populacional

"Humanity's footprint has more than tripled between 1961 and 2003," it said. Consumption has outpaced a surge in the world's population, to 6.5 billion from 3 billion in 1960. U.N. projections show a surge to 9 billion people around 2050. It said that the footprint from use of fossil fuels, whose heat-trapping emissions are widely blamed for pushing up world temperatures, was the fastest-growing cause of strain. Leape said China, home to a fifth of the world's population and whose economy is booming, was making the right move in pledging to reduce its energy consumption by 20 percent over the next five years.

"Much will depend on the decisions made by China, India and other rapidly developing countries," he added.

The WWF report also said that an index tracking 1,300 vetebrate species -- birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals -- showed that populations had fallen for most by about 30 percent because of factors including a loss of habitats to farms. Among species most under pressure included the swordfish and the South African Cape vulture. Those bucking the trend included rising populations of the Javan rhinoceros and the northern hairy-nosed wombat in Australia.
Ben Blanchard, Reuters - Yahoo News

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Imogen Heap

Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek

Sonhei contigo como se sonha com o futuro deixado pra trás.

TASCHEN - Arquitectura

TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

3 Links Criativos

Watercolours by Brazilian illustrator, comics-creator Lelis

The New York Review of Books has a massive collection of drawings from master caricaturist David Levine. There are over 2500 illustrations in the gallery which should be more than enough to study his masterful pen lines.

Esau Andrews. Surreal and oft-times bizarre oil paintings.

Zero 7

Zero 7 - Home

Hope Garden

Hope Garden é um site da BSD Medical, uma firma de especializada no tratamento de doentes de cancro, sediada em Salt Lake City, no Utah.O site oferece aos doentes, familiares , amigos e visitantes uma forma de “plantar” flores virtuais e deixar mensagens de esperança a todos os que sofrem com esta doença. Plante a sua própria flôr ou dê apenas um passeio pelo “jardim”.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Messenger Freak

Um site com bonecada para o MSN
Messenger Freak

"Eu posso contribuir apenas com uma gota de água para o aceano mas, com a minha gota, ele jamais será o mesmo."
Madre Teresa de Calcutá

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Lost III - Episódio 3

Further Instructions - Parte I
Parte II

Friday, October 20, 2006

Por ser sexta-feira....

Estou cansado, é claro,
Porque, a certa altura, a gente tem que estar cansado.
De que estou cansado, não sei:
De nada me serviria sabê-lo,
Pois o cansaço fica na mesma.
A ferida dói como dói
E não em função da causa que a produziu.
Sim, estou cansado,
E um pouco sorridente
De o cansaço ser só isto —
Uma vontade de sono no corpo,
Um desejo de não pensar na alma,
E por cima de tudo uma transparência lúcida
Do entendimento retrospectivo...
E a luxúria única de não ter já esperanças?
Sou inteligente; eis tudo.
Tenho visto muito e entendido muito o que tenho visto,
E há um certo prazer até no cansaço que isto nos dá,
Que afinal a cabeça sempre serve para qualquer coisa.

Álvaro de Campos


Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow

Procura-se um Amigo

Não precisa ser homem, basta ser humano, basta ter sentimentos, basta ter coração. Precisa saber falar e calar, sobretudo saber ouvir. Tem que gostar de poesia, de madrugada, de pássaro, de sol, da lua, do canto, dos ventos e das canções da brisa. Deve ter amor, um grande amor por alguém, ou então sentir falta de não ter esse amor.. Deve amar o próximo e respeitar a dor que os passantes levam consigo. Deve guardar segredo sem se sacrificar.Não é preciso que seja de primeira mão, nem é imprescindível que seja de segunda mão. Pode já ter sido enganado, pois todos os amigos são enganados.

Não é preciso que seja puro, nem que seja todo impuro, mas não deve ser vulgar. Deve ter um ideal e medo de perdê-lo e, no caso de assim não ser, deve sentir o grande vácuo que isso deixa. Tem que ter ressonâncias humanas, seu principal objetivo deve ser o de amigo. Deve sentir pena das pessoa tristes e compreender o imenso vazio dos solitários. Deve gostar de crianças e lastimar as que não puderam nascer.

Procura-se um amigo para gostar dos mesmos gostos, que se comova, quando chamado de amigo. Que saiba conversar de coisas simples, de orvalhos, de grandes chuvas e das recordações de infância. Precisa-se de um amigo para não se enlouquecer, para contar o que se viu de belo e triste durante o dia, dos anseios e das realizações, dos sonhos e da realidade. Deve gostar de ruas desertas, de poças de água e de caminhos molhados, de beira de estrada, de mato depois da chuva, de se deitar no capim.

Precisa-se de um amigo que diga que vale a pena viver, não porque a vida é bela, mas porque já se tem um amigo. Precisa-se de um amigo para se parar de chorar. Para não se viver debruçado no passado em busca de memórias perdidas. Que nos bata nos ombros sorrindo ou chorando, mas que nos chame de amigo, para ter-se a consciência de que ainda se vive.

Vinícius de Moraes

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop - The Passenger

«La separación entre lo posible y lo imposible determina nuestra vida privada y pública. Con demasiada frecuencia decimos: «No soy capaz de hacer eso», cuando no es verdad. Y esa afirmación se convierte en una profecía que se cumple por el hecho de enunciarla. Convertimos lo posible en imposible, y de paso nos hacemos impotentes. (...) El pesimismo - que restringe el campo de lo posible- goza de un prestigio intelectual que no merece. Todos vivimos gracias a optimistas, que hicieron retroceder la frontera de lo imposible.»

José Antonio Marina in El Mundo

Bone Idol

Bone Idol: um site para criarmos bonecos — o tema é o Halloween.

Apple IMagination Contest

“Apple Imagination Contest”

O “iPod Time”, uma mistura de iPod Shuffle com um Rolex, criado por Somu; O “Artbook”, um novo conceito de computador portátil de Shane Savanapridi; E ainda o “iPT”, um objecto que funcionaria como um iPod, um Telemóvel e um PDA criado por Ink Master

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Jamiroquai - Runaway

Oh yes...A winter day must start with Jamiroquai

The Five Hotel - Paris

The newly opened Parisian hotel, The Five Hotel, offers 5 aromatized signatures: gourmand, tonic, relaxed, natural and sensual…. You may select the fragrance that most appeals to your mood of the day that will be softly diffused in you room combined with your own chosen associated optic fiber color environment.

The Five Hotel has smoothly integrated optical fiber lighting, adding a touch of lucidity and decor: incorporated into the bathroom tiling and bedroom ceilings, a dream innovation, scintillating the magical and romantic atmosphere.… Here you sleep under the star lit sky!

A hotel only steps away from Saint-Germain-des-Prés with a total of nine "deco" environments, punctuated by the works of Isabelle Emmerique, each derived from a chosen base color: White, black, turquoise, aniseed, violet, red, gold, orange, taupe; carefully imagined and coordinated by applying a blend of fine materials. Each setting presents a very personalized touch, the choice of exclusive fabrics are graphically appealing by the use of colorful printed symmetries. One can discover with pleasure the discreet integration of materials dominated by the overlap of colors used for the room.

Regular asymmetrical stripes, printed flowered wall paper, patterned carpets, printed leather and motifs of waves and spots…, the hotel has dared to enter into a natural cosmetic and unimagined sphere. From the Welcome Hall, or the corridors and rooms, surprises can be found in all the contrasting features.

The Five Hotel is certainly in a league of its own in terms of cool aesthetics. The fact that it is accessible to all, allows it to be enjoyed by a great cross section of visitors and guests.

Move Me Booths

Move Me booths and moveme.com are making dancing stars of the average Joe. Currently touring the U.K, the Move Me booth is a special video booth which captures visitors dance routines, set to instructions set out by top notch choreographers. Once seated inside, a video dance lesson begins and the rest is dance history.
Once your routine is over and your catching your breathe, users are issued with a ticket which outline the date and time their video can be seen online at moveme.com. From the privacy of the dance booth to the stage of the world wide web.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Trapalhadas - Lances engraçados no Futebol

Monday, October 16, 2006


Estou em pulgas p'ra ir p'ra casa. Hoje é o grande dia: vão ligar-me a tv cabo.
Finalmente vou poder deliciar-me com uma das minhas séries preferidas: CSI.
Confesso que já estava a bater mal por saber que já começaram os novos episódios e que, por mais tentativas que tenha feito em casa dos papás (sim porque há coisas que só se tem acesso em casa deles) mesmo a altas horas da madrugada, nunca consegui ver nada.
Já fui crucificada por esta paranóia, mas tou-me nas tintas. Eu quero, como disse à menina da tvcabo, um pacote que me dê o AXN p'ra ver o CSI.
Ninguém percebe ( e muitos acham piada) que eu ponha tvcabo só pelo AXN. Mais uma vez, tou-me nas tintas. O prazer é todo meu e isso é o que interessa.

Lost III

Lost - Episódio 2
Parte 1
Parte 2

The Postal Service

The Postal Service - Such Great Heights

"From Rome to Kyoto, our pick of 12 landmarks that will change the way you see the world. "

Taj Mahal
Emperor Shah Jahan, in 1632, commissioned this most famous of all mausoleums for his favorite wife, Mumtaz. One of the greatest examples of Moghul architecture—a marriage of Hindu, Persian, and Islamic design—the Taj sits amid serene pools that reflect its unmistakable profile.www.tourismofindia.com

In 1960, President Juscelino Kubitschek moved Brazil's government from Rio to its new capital, a futuristic fantasyland where monumental buildings by Oscar Niemeyer march down the immense axis of Lucio Costa's master plan, defining the Modernist urban landscape.www.braziltour.com

Altes Museum, Berlin
The Old Museum, one of the first purpose- built museums to house a royal collection, was designed in 1823 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel. The façade's peristyle of 18 Ionic columns, inspired by the Stoa of Attalos, in Athens, demonstrates Schinkel's interest in ancient architecture and epitomizes Neoclassical style and 19th-century museum design.www.smb.spk-berlin.de

Pantheon, Rome
This monumental temple, in use throughout its history, was erected by the Roman consul Marcus Agrippa in 27 B.C., rebuilt by Hadrian after a fire in about 125 A.D., and consecrated as a Christian church in 609 A.D. It stands as a pure expression of classical proportions; the coffered dome—with a heaven-gazing oculus at its apex—and colonnaded portico have inspired generations of architects.www.romaturismo.com

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
The dome atop Constantinople's Church of Divine Wisdom, erected in 532 A.D., was the largest in the world until St. Peter's was completed 1,000 years later. In 1453, the conquering Ottomans turned the Byzantine church into a mosque, adding minarets and plastering over its elaborate mosaics. This confluence of cultures is now a museum—with its mosaics resplendently restored. www.turizm.gov.tr

Chichén Itzá, Mexico
The tropical lowlands of the Yucatán Peninsula and northern Central America are dotted with Mayan and Toltec ruins. Few are as grand as Chichén Itzá. The site's pyramids, ball courts, and palaces, grouped around grand plazas, leave no doubt of the sophisticated civilization that thrived centuries before Columbus arrived.www.mayayucatan.com

Sir John Soane's Museum, London
Architect John Soane, designer of the Bank of England and the Dulwich Picture Gallery, rebuilt three adjacent town houses from 1792 to 1823 and filled them with his treasures—an Egyptian sarcophagus, Roman marbles, Hogarth's The Rake's Progress. Displayed chockablock, they now form part of a connoisseur's legacy in a museum that retains the character of a private house while its clever design accommodates a collector's zeal.www.soane.org

Barcelona Pavilion
The Barcelona chair, an icon of 20th-century design, was born in a sleek, equally iconic masterpiece of Modernism in Montjuïc Park: the German National Pavilion at the 1929 Barcelona International Exhibition. Mies van der Rohe designed both, and the pavilion's space—enclosed by walls of glass, travertine, green marble, and golden onyx—embodies his concept of open- plan, while its colors and materials define the period's ideal of elegance. www.miesbcn.com

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
Soon after it opened in 1997, critics hailed the dynamic, swirling titanium mass as one of the 20th century's great buildings. As the catalyst for the regeneration of this Basque city, the structure claims an intimate yet fluid connection with its setting: it hugs the curves of the Nervión River, its silvery "tail" emerging beneath a bridge like that of a giant metal fish.www.guggenheim-bilbao.es

Vals Spa, Vals, Switzerland
In a remote valley in southeastern Switzerland, the contemporary architect Peter Zumthor has elevated the ancient thermal bath to the realm of the sublime. Contrasts between light and shade, especially in otherworldly grottoes of quartzite shrouding softly lit pools, inform the experience. Incomparable Alpine views from outdoor spaces serve as a reminder that nature is the preeminent architect.www.therme-vals.ch

Ryoanji Temple, Kyoto
The former Imperial capital is filled with temples and gardens, but late-15th-century Ryoanji ("Temple of the Peaceful Dragon") stands out for its stark simplicity. Its walled-in courtyard contains nothing more than 15 large mossy rocks surrounded by a sea of raked gravel, the quintessential Zen garden.www.ryoanji.jp

Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pennsylvania
In 1991, the American Institute of Architects voted this 1939 house "the best all-time work of American architecture." Frank Lloyd Wright built it atop a rocky outcropping and extended the floors to reflect the ledges around it, redefining how architecture could be integrated with nature. The showstopper: a terrace daringly cantilevered over a rushing waterfall. www.fallingwater.org

Por Raul Barreneche, Travel+Leisure

Friday, October 13, 2006

Uma ajudinha

Depois de um dia de cão, meto-me no carro e tento fazer dele um bunker.
Ligo rádio, procuro uma estação que me dê música p'ra espairecer. Encontro, acho agradável.
Começo a ouvir uma voz feminina que também me parece agradável. A dada altura ouve-se( o refrão, creio)
"É preciso penar p'ra ser feliz". Insulto e desligo imediatamente.
Opto pelos Cd's e insulto-me porque já o devia ter feito.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Blaupunkt - Spot

Encontrei isto no Criativo de Galochas..Irresistível! :p

Thievery Corporation - Shadows Of Ourselves

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Para quem quiser ver o 1º episódio de "Lost" - 3ª Série.

Curtas de animação

Mais dois filmes, estes de animação stop-motion, de Robert Morgan: The Separation de 2003; e The Man in The Lower-Left Hand Coner of The Photograph.Chili Bucket, passa-se num salão do velho Oeste, e é composta de duas partes, sendo que na segunda mostra em pormenor tudo o que escapou na primeira. Uma sucessão de acontecimentos trágicos a que a presença de um gato preto, não será alheia. É uma curta bizarra e original realizada por Florent Séror, Julien Torrès e Sarah Dor.

Uma curta do israelita Yaron Yanai: The tree que conta a história de Alon um rapaz que passa o dia no jardim, sozinho, a brincar com um velho carvalho, até ao dia em que aparece por lá uma rapariga.

I´m so sleepy...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Antony & the Johnsons - You are my sister

«Ah! Podem voar mundos, morrer astros,
Que tu és como Deus: Princípio e Fim!...»

Fanatismo, Florbela Espanca

Monday, October 09, 2006

Expensive Soul - 13 mulheres

Os Expensive Soul estão nomeados para Best Portuguese Act nos MTV Europe Music Awards, para irmos a Copenhaga no dia 2 de Novembro basta votares em http://ema.mtv.pt/

Tema 13 mulheres..realmente mto bom. Ouçam na notícia de 29 de Maio.

Eco City

ON AN island at the mouth of China's Yangzi River, plans are afoot to build the city of the future. The first residents will move in within five years. The city will be self-sufficient in energy and water and will generate almost no carbon emissions. Petrol and diesel vehicles will be banned in favour of solar-powered boats and fuel-cell-driven buses. The developers of this “eco-city”, called Dongtan, hope that it will come to be seen as a model for the rest of the world: London's mayor, for one, is already inspired by it.

Preservativos Musicais

A man by the name of Hryhory Chausovsky, a scientist in Ukraine, claims to have invented a new type of condom that plays music during intercourse.

A miniature loudspeaker and motion sensor implanted in the condom’s upper cuff provides a range of musical tones during sex. Music volume depends on intensity of love-making and tone varies based on the sexual position.

The sound is said to be very primitive, similar to the way early cellphone ringtones would sound. He claims to have developed this both as a novelty item, and as a way to help love-making be more pleasurable. Testing has shown no danger of electric shock to users of the device, Chausovsky

The Cone

Um vibrador com 19cm de diâmetro e 11cm de altura, tem 16 velocidades de vibração diferentes, sendo que inclui ainda o “Botão Orgasmo”.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

3 extractos de uma entrevista a Salma Hayek ao "El Mundo" :

«No he seguido los pasos que me dijeron que hay seguir para encontrar el amor, porque por observación he notado que la gente que los sigue de todos modos no lo encuentra»

«Algunas de las personas más solas que he conocido en mi vida están casadas»

«A veces la manera más pura de amar es saber cuándo irse. Hay que aprender a amar. La gente piensa que se enamora, pero es muy poca la gente que sabe amar... Se tiene un gran sentido de posesión y una necesidad de ser importante en la vida de otra persona, pero con inseguridad. Yo soy sumamente importante en la vida de estos hombres −incluso hoy−, pero no tengo que casarme con ellos y empujar las cosas a un lugar adonde, a lo mejor, ya no sea tan maravilloso. Por eso me siguen queriendo, porque supe cuando irme. A veces yéndote les das más o les enseñas más, o aprendes más que quedándote.»

Lifehouse - Take Me away

Oh sim...a cadeira perfeita.

Gamers put their bodies through so much while playing their favorite consoles what with all the controller-holding, constantly staring at the television and not to forget all the sitting too. Besides looking extremely comfortable the Ultimate Game Chair also helps you feel like you’re a part of the action via built-in speakers and 12 different vibration motors that are synchronized to the game.
Other features include ground effects lighting, headphone and controller jacks, beverage and remote control holders and probably the most important one, stain-resistant fabric to help keep the chair from becoming Cheetos-orange after a few weeks.
The Raptor model (pictured on the left) will set you back $299 and the Ultimate Game Chair model that includes the additional joysticks (pictured on the right) will set you back $399.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hoje é dia de inundar de suspiros as gavetas lá de casa.

Expensive Soul - I just wanna know

Gato Redorento - Rap dos Matarruanos

Frank Gehry & Tiffany

Architecture proves wonce again to be an unlimited field in which is possible to open branches and reach for new design solutions? Or is it just the power of self marketing and the machine of making money that rules the game?
Tiffany & Co., the famous jewelry brand announced a new partnership with internationally renowed architect Frank Gehry , to create an exclusive jewelry collection. It will have six different collections in itself, as well as a selection of tabletop items.
Tiffany's chairman said about Gehry " His revolutionary aesthetics has literally redefined architecture, and we fully anticipate that our partnership, combining as it does Mr. Gehry's genius with Tiffany's tradition of innovation and utmost quality, will change the rules of jewelry and fashion to equal and spectacular effect."



Thursday, October 05, 2006

Re-Cycle Stage

An intriguing project emerged at the London Design Festival’s Eco-Design Day: the Re-Cycle Stage. This bicycle storage shed/community event stage is a creation of architect Christos Choraitis.

The Sanford Housing Co-op had a growing bicycle problem; over a hundred bikes cluttered hallways and fire exits because there were no secure places to store them. A solution was needed to keep bikes on the property, so Choraitis and other residents skilled in woodworking, environmental design, and carpentry stepped forward to help out their co-op in the New Cross Gate neighborhood of London (all residents are required to work for the co-op in some fashion, in addition to paying their rent.)

Only ten standard bike lockers would fit in the allotted space, so utilizing the free labor, the design got creative; a bespoke vertical hanging lock solution was designed. The enclosure will be built using railway sleepers (from the retrofitting of the East London Line) and scaffold poles. The “roof” of the shed will be laid with turf and used for concerts or as an event stage.

Just for fun...

Open any site with images

copy bookmarklet code from the below

paste into address bar and hit Enter

flyingimages.txt - click to open and copy from here

Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again

"Independentemente do passado, estou sempre a olhar para a frente."

Dalai Lama

It's the high end version of a marketplace stall. Taking from the concept of pack-and-move retailing made famous by traditional markets and bazaars, the VBOX is the next generation in pop-up retail.Equipped with an iMac, iPod HiFi system and one very funky retail shell, the VBOX is perfect for retailers who want to follow an event around, set up a temporary site, or trade for the day at a location of their choice. VBOX is as much about fun and variety as it is about portability.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Freedy Johnston

Freedy Johnston - Bad Reputation

Site Oficial

Body Wall

The Bodywall is an incredible invention that allows athletes to stretch effectively. It’s basically a Spiderman wall and operates similar to a rock climbing scenario except that the user attaches his hands and feet to the wall by wearing high-tech super-adhesion gloves and shoes which allows him/her to scale the wall like Spiderman himself. In addition to stretching it’s also great for balance and strength training.

HEINEKEN'S - Outdoor 3D

Monday, October 02, 2006


U2 - With or Without you

Live in Boston

Desportos Bizarros

Top Ten Obscure Sports in the World.

Uma animação divertida de Walter Moers em forma de vídeo clip, sobre os últimos dias de Adolf Hitler: Adolf: Ich hock’ in meinem Bonker (uma versão com legendas em inglês, e outra com legendas em português do Brasil).

The Wind Shaped Pavilion

The Wind Shaped Pavilion” é mais uma original e surpreendente criação do arquitecto Michael Jantzen. “The Wind Shaped Pavilion” é um edifício cuja forma é alterada pelo vento. Passo a explicar: o edifício é composto por seis andares que podem girar para qualquer lado, de acordo com o vento, mudando a forma do prédio a todo instante, sendo que essa rotação gera energia que serve para iluminar o prédio durante a noite.

Seen On Screen

Seen On Screen é um conjunto de vários quebra-cabeças que temos de decifrar.