Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cidade ntercultural

The terms 'multiculturalism' and 'interculturalism' are often used interchangeably, but the way in which they are used in this proposal makes clear that they are two quite different approaches to managing and building on the potential of ethnic and cultural diversity in a city.''The project will consider the extent to which cultural diversity is a source of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship and how this can become a positive force releasing new energy and resources for the development of cities.''The Intercultural City is seeking to test its hypothesis on intercultural innovation through empirical research in cities around the world. Several of these studies are now underway, with more to come on stream. Each study is considered a piece of action research, intended to both contribute new knowledge to the project as a whole and to offer practical policy-making guidance at the local level. Each has been developed in partnership with local agencies, around themes which have local resonance. Consequently, each programme of research is based both on a set of questions which are generic to the Project as a whole, and a second set which are specific to the local theme.


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