“Street wars is a 3 week long 24/7 water gun assassination tournament. Having swept its way across New York, San Francisco and Vancouver, Street Wars in moving through to L.A. Here's the low down. “

Após efectuado o registo na Street Wars recebe-se um evelope contendo o nome, endereço, nº de tel. E a fotogrfia do alvo. Tem-se 3 semanas para caçar o alvo em questão.” By this we don't mean jumping out from behind a bush screaming BOO, it's more like a strategic ambush. One may choose to pose as a postman and upon answering the door, soak their target, which 'kills' them. “
Uma vez morto o alvo, o envelope da vítima com o seu alvo passa a ser nosso. E por aí fora, até o nosso alvo ser o nosso próprio assassino.
“You win Cash, your life and get to stay dry! This is more about strategy and planning then it is about violence, and one could say a great way to make new friends!
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